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The Team




  Board of Directors
  Fausto M. Ventriglia (IT) President and CEO, 54

Founder of Photonike. Master Degree in Aerospace Engineering and PHD in Finance, Fausto has consolidated work experience in all of Europe, India, Egypt, Turkey and Argentina, in industrial sectors, in top companies (aeronautics, automobile, electronics, consulting) and finance (insurance, banking, structured finance) in the roles of Director or Managing Director. A typical “old style” Investment Banker, Fausto has developed many small industrial and tech companies from start up to Stock Market. Today, when he is not involved in the day by day management of Photonike, he manages his ownership interests in insurance and asset management.

Claudio Marati (USA) Senior Director, 72
Founder of Photonike. Born in Italy but grew up in California, Claudio has a Degree in Computer Science at Golden Gate University of San Francisco. Big expert of trading of technologies has experience in Tech and Industrial Development Consulting in USA, Canada and Europe; he has served as Commercial Diplomatic Officer at Department of Industry Trade & Commerce of Canadian Government. Claudio lived the birth and growth of Silicon Valley and today has a strong relationship network in this world.

Alain Mangion (MT) Director, 58
Ex partner in Ernst Young London, Alain is a certified public accountant by profession in Malta; he is Chief Executive and founder of Credinvest International Corporate Finance, Malta. Alain has built the Firm since 1995 into an organisation which operates from the United Kingdom, Austria, Italy and Malta and in several emerging markets, including Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Baltics and all Africa. The Firm provides investment banking services on a 360 degree basis, including trade and project finance, sovereign debt trading, factoring and forfeiting, corporate restructuring, mergers and acquisitions and privatisations. Alain was also a non resident diplomat for one year, and has also lectured in accounting and finance for various MBA top programmes.

Peter Sollecito (USA) Indipendent Director, 51
Peter, earned his MBA in Finance and International Business at New York University, Stern School of Business and has a long experience in international investment banking; Vice President at ING Barings NY, Director at Merril Lynch London, Director and Head of CEE/CIS at Nomura International in Europe and Tokyo, Pietro has always engaged in activities which bring to bear his extensive experience in Derivatives, Asset/Liability Management and Capital Markets. With a strong relationship network in all of Eastern Europe, UK, Italy, Spain, Scandinavia and the USA, Pietro currently partners in the management of a proprietary Investment Fund in NY.

Marco Quaranta (IT) Indipendent Director, 50
Born in Italy but living in London, Marco has a Master in Negotiation and International Business at Minnesota University and collected a wide experience in M&A, structured finance and hedging solutions in top big companies (Pricewaterhouse Zurich, Deutsche Bank London, JPMorgan Chase NY, Barclais Capital London) as Vice President or Director. After some years in some London firms specialized in Risk Management today manages his own international company specialized in Corporate Funding Solutions world wide.

Bernard Ruzziconi (BE) head of BOD secretary.